oefening 1

present continuous/ nu/ op dit moment:
I : am + ww + ing
he,she,it : is + ww + ing
we, you, they : are + ww + ing


simple present, gewoonte, feit :
he,she,it : ww + s / es ies
I, we you, they : hele ww

simple past / verleden tijd
2e rij oww of ww+d/ed/ied

Vul ALLE gaten in, klik dan "Check" om je antwoorden te controleren.
Klik de "Hint" knop om je een letter te geven als je problemen hebt met een antwoord.
Let wel !! Je percentage zal wel naar beneden gaan als je de "Hint" knop gebruikt !!

Yesterday I (work) a lot.
Marie Curie (be) born in Poland in 1887.
We (see) him only 10 minutes ago.
My wife usually (go) to the grocer on Friday.
I (meet) him for the first time a year ago.
My father (learn) French when he was only 6.
The postman (bring) the letters only once a day.
Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
He (go) to work by bus every day.
I (write) three letters an hour ago.
At the moment our bird (build) a nest.
I (come) in at 1.30.
Last month my friend (win) a prize.
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